

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Beauty From Around the World: South Korea

Maybe it’s music artists like Psy, or the interest in Korean drama’s or products like BB cream that has put South Korea on the map in the world of beauty and fashion. I know my love affair with South Korea began when I started watching a Korean drama called Boys Over Flower’s and noticed that all the characters had such flawless skin. I was uber jealous, and began researching what it was that made their complexion so gorgeous. That and Korean women do not age. At all (no I’m not using a blanket statement they are all vampires). So what makes the South Koreans so gorgeous? Along with their diet full of fish and cabbage and all those good for you foods, and fear of the sun (because they’re vampires) a multi-step system of face care.
This process is not for the faint at heart or penny-pincher’s. Seriously it takes a while and a lot of products to achieve this level of perfection. So let me explain this to you step-by-step/product-by-product.
The Skin Care Routine:
  1. Double cleansing method: In South Korea many believe that washing your face just once is not enough at night. The first wash is to remove all makeup and dirt, so either use makeup removing wipes, or, you can use a makeup removing foaming face wash. The second wash is to deep cleanse and get into those pores and stuff. I use a natural deep cleansing face cleanser after I wash with a stripping cleanser that foams too get rid of any film and restore some oils to the face.
  2. Toning: Next it’s time to use a toner. There’s a debate against toners blah blah. I’m just here to report the method, I use a toner because I feel like it removes the left over soapy scum on my face and guarantees it’s clean. Plus after using warm water to wash my face with, I feel like it helps close up the pores and stuff. Also I don’t believe in using a towel to dry my face because I think they carry bacteria since most towels are sitting in the bathroom where you do your bizz-nazz. So I use my toner and cotton ball immediately after washing my face to help dry it, and the water left over on my face helps dilute the toner so that it’s not as drying. Side note, toner in Korea is more of a moisturising product instead of astringent like so they apply it immediately to keep the moisture in their face. It is also known as lotion in case you decide to look for Korean beauty products (which I tots reccommend)
  3. Essence: Essence? What is essence? Is it a fancy French rosewood smelling spritzy water. No. Go home. You’re drunk. Jkslol. I had never heard of essence until I researched the Korean skin care routine. In essence, essence is a light water-y like substance that you apply to your skin before you apply more stuff. You can get all sorts to best help out with your own skin concern.
  4. Emulsion: Ok, emulsion is something you use before you moisturise to help prep your skin for erm…moisturising. Sounds ridic right? Well it helps your serum become more effective. I might be a beauty nerd, but I do not know the exact science behind it. If you want me to find out I will, but I am not doing any extra homework until prompted ;-)
  5. Serum: Serum is something you should be familiar with, but if it’s not, it’s a concentrated hydrating/regenerative skin treatment. Serums containing vitamin C or retnoids, or hyarulonic acid are my recommendations.
  6. Moisturiser: FINALLY. This locks everything in. You know what this is. At least you should! If you don’t, buy some right now. Like now. No like seriously now crazy.
  7. Eye Cream: Now time for your eye cream. Since your eyes are usually the first things to show signs of fatigue and age, make sure to take proper care of this thin part of your skin. Don’t use regular moisturiser because it will clog the delicate part around your eyes causing little white dot like pimples under the eye, because it is too heavy. Eye cream is lighter and specially designed for this delicate area.
That’s it. Cray right? Seven steps, but hey it works for them, Korean skin looks flawless in my opinion, but not everyone has the time or cash to do this each night.
Other things Korean’s swear by are face masks once a week and facial massages sometimes nightly (see my previous post about facial massages) to keep their skin glowing. Korean’s also go to spa’s very often, it’s rare to find anyone in Korea who has never been to a spa as it’s a huge part of their culture and health.
Here is a Korean beauty vlogger who goes over her nightly and regular beauty rituals along with other things like hair tutorials and homemade masks. I love her I think she is absolutely adorable.

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